Proven Legal Representation for Criminal Defendants
Criminal offenses are typically categorized into two primary groups: misdemeanors and felonies. Felonies encompass more serious crimes. The experienced attorneys at Seth M. Woodall & Associates have substantial experience in defending individuals facing felony charges in state and federal courts.
Do not wait until you are arrested to reach out. If you suspect you are under investigation, call us today at (336) 623-3138.
Understanding Felonies
In North Carolina, felony offenses are further divided into ten classes, ranging from Class A (most serious) to Class I (least serious). Potential sentences depend on the type of crime, case particulars, and the defendant's prior criminal history. A conviction may result in months or years of imprisonment.
Types of Felonious Offenses
Our criminal defense lawyers adeptly represent clients accused of various charges, including:
Voluntary or involuntary manslaughter
Sex crimes
Aggravated assault
Armed robbery
Even though Class I felonies are less severe and entail milder penalties upon conviction, it is always preferable to avoid a felony conviction whenever possible. A felony on your criminal record could lead to the denial of educational opportunities, employment hurdles, and even constraints on your post-prison residence. We provide adept legal representation to clients confronting indictment, trial proceedings, and the appellate phase.
Attorneys with Experience on Both Sides:
Our felony attorneys have advocated for thousands of clients accused of serious offenses. We excel at identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the opposing side, an essential component of a successful criminal case. Each case is subjected to meticulous investigation, equipping us to furnish the most compelling defense attainable.